Our Deportation Defense Lawyers represent our clients in all U.S. Immigration Courts!
Our attorneys also help clients be released from ICE Detention.
Many of our clients obtain relief by applying directly with the immigration judge in removal (deportation) proceedings. After the initial issue of “removability” is resolved (usually at the master calendar hearing, sometimes after a contested hearing), the court will determine if a respondent will be allowed to remain in the United States. Our immigration lawyers can advise you whether you qualify and are likely to obtain relief from removal.
The most common forms of relief are:
Withholding of Removal
Convention Against Torture
Cancellation of Removal for Legal Permanent Residents
Cancellation of Removal for Non-Legal Permanent Residents
VAWA Cancellation of Removal
Special Rule Cancellation/Suspension of Removal (NACARA)
Adjustment of Status
Termination/Administrative Closure
Includes Prosecutorial Discretion
Includes Motions to Suppress and Termination
Termination may be sought to seek relief before USCIS (i.e. U-Visas, VAWA, Adjustment of Status etc…).