We represent clients who seek German citizenship by descent. There are different pathways to accomplish this.
1. Descendants of Nazi-Germany victims
If you and/or your German ancestors were of Jewish faith, you most likely qualify for German citizenship. We will need to prove that your ancestor was German and Jewish. We assist our clients with their applications before the German citizenship board as well as acquisition of required documents from Germany.
2. Acquisition at birth
If you have ancestors who were born in Germany, we can review your family tree to determine whether you acquired German citizenship at birth. If we conclude that you did, we can guide you through the process of applying for a German passport.
3. Changed laws
Germany periodically changes its citizenship laws. The most recent change took place in 2021. Before 1974, transfer of German citizenship was only possible through a German father. Since 2021, descendants of German women retroactively qualify for German citizenship. We guide our clients through this process before the German citizenship board.